Monday, July 16, 2012

A Word on Weighing Yourself


People live and die by the number on that silly scale. We've all seen the whole spectrum...everything from the guy that fancies himself a bodybuilder and thinks that the bigger the number is on the scale, the more muscle he must have; to gals that get a little discouraged because the number on the scale isn't dropping as fast as they'd like it too....even though they themselves are toning up and dropping pant sizes.

Muscle is heavier than fat, but takes up less space. It's possible to be getting smaller, tighter, and stronger without losing a dramatic amount of weight.

Do you feel good? Are you exercising and eating the nutrients that you need? Is your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and resting heart rate within a healthy range? Is your performance improving? Are you getting faster/stronger/running further/jumping higher, etc etc etc?

Then does it matter how much you weigh? Nah. Not really.