Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Olympic Lifting

This is a video of Ilya Ilyin of Kazakstan "clean and jerking" 532 pounds!!!
The hotshots down at the local gym can only dream of this level of strength, power, and flexibility.

Olympic Lifting is super interesting to watch (or participate in!). Anyone involved in sports or even just looking to mix up their workouts a little bit ought to at least read up on this.
(Now if you haven't ever tried it, it's not something you want to just go try out after watching a Youtube video. You can pull something pretty quick. Make sure you get a good coach to walk you through the progressions if you're new to it and want to give it a try).

Here are some really good resources. (Excellent coaching, instructional videos, and training programs) (this site belongs to a great friend of mine that I served in the Army with and his wife- both of whom are incredible lifters and coaches)

Also, here's a few more videos of some VERY strong folks:

Kendrick Farris -United States

Dimitry Klokov - Russia

Lu Xiaojun -China

Lidia Valentin -Spain