Wednesday, June 27, 2012


"What do you do to make any food better? You wrap it in bacon."
-Jim Gaffigan

Most people think that bacon is terrible for your health because that's what everyone has always heard. Now this usually doesn't keep people from eating bacon.. it just makes them think "I know I shouldn't be eating this" as they place strip after strip of the glorious deliciousness into their mouths.

 If this sounds like you, I'd like you to take a second look at bacon for a moment. Maybe it's the foods that are traditionally paired with bacon that aren't so good for you, and not bacon itself.
Let's take a look...

Two slices of bacon usually has around 7 grams of saturated fat, 6 grams of protein, no carbs, and a little less than 400mg of sodium.
First let’s look at Protein: it helps maintain and repair lean muscle and other important tissues in your body. It’s awesome for you. No problems there.
So how about Carbohydrates?: Cow you need some carbs in your diet..but you have to careful with the quantity of these because they cause your body to release insulin which can lead to fat storage… but there are virtually none in bacon, so we don't even have to worry about that. No problems there either.
Sodium?: Honestly, that is a lot of salt. But if you’re exercising intensely and sweating like you should… you need to be taking in a lot of salt. So assuming you’re doing that…we’ll say this isn’t a problem area either.
That leaves Saturated Fats: so what do they do in your body?
Well, they…..

-Improve cell health throughout the body since cell membranes need them for maintenance.
-Improve bone health since they are essential to efficiently incorporate calcium into skeletal bones.
-have anti-microbial properties which protect your digestive tract from harmful
-help protect the liver from toxins.
-help improve the immune system.
-help properly utilize fatty acids.
-help maintain the layer of healthy fat around the heart muscle which the body can draw upon in times of stress.

I’d recommend no more than 2 or 3 slices at a time, and never (or rarely) served with high carbohydrate foods like pancakes and syrup or a lot of toast… but by itself or served with other simple, healthy foods like eggs and milk it can be a tasty, healthy meal. Think about it!

You know you want some.

For more on Saturated fat check out this link:

For more on Sodium: